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Summary sub-tab

Project Header

The Project header displays the following information regarding the project: Manager 1, Portfolio Folder, Type, number of days before the Finish Date, % Complete, As of Date (if any), Last Published Date, Total Effort (with the Actual Effort/Total Effort ratio below), Total Cost (with the Actual Cost/Total Cost ratio below), and the Health Score.

Critical Alerts panel

The Critical Alerts panel lists all the elements a Project Manager should be aware of regarding the project that has been selected.

The following alerts categories can be displayed: Agile, Dependencies, Planning, Phases & Gates, Work Items, Risks, Resources, Tracking, Status Reports, Billing, and Finance.

Agile Alerts

The Agile section provides the following Agile-related alerts:

  • Iterations with problems – Indicates the number of Iterations that should have been started (i.e., those whose Start Date falls before Today’s Date and whose Workflow State is “New”) or that should have been completed (i.e., those whose Finish Date falls before Today’s date, and whose Workflow State is other than “Completed”).

  • Releases with problems – Indicates the number of Releases that should have been started (i.e., those whose Current Start Date falls before Today’s date, and whose Workflow State is “New”) or that should have been completed (i.e., those whose Current Finish Date falls before Today’s date and whose Workflow State is other than “Completed”).

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Agile Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Agile Critical Alerts Details popup


The Iterations spreadsheet provides a list of Iterations that should have been started.


The following attributes are displayed: Name, Start Date, Finish Date, Budget Points, Assigned Points, Baseline Points, Workflow State Vote, Release, and Team.

The following tools are available:


Open Project

Switches the view to the Work workspace, Agile tab.



Opens the corresponding Iteration Details full screen view.


The Releases spreadsheet provides a list of Releases that should have been started.


The following attributes are displayed: Name, Target Start, Target Finish, Current Start Date, Current Finish Date, Owner, and Workflow State Vote.

The following tools are available:


Open Project

Switches the view to the Work workspace, Agile tab.



Opens the corresponding Release dialog box.

Dependencies Alerts

The Dependencies section displays the "Synchronization Issues” alert, which indicates the number of issues affecting Dependencies. The issues could include the following:

Project Target Start Constraint Issue

Indicates that the Start Constraint of the Target Project falls later than the Start and Finish Dates of the Source Project or Task.

This issue is only available for Copy Dependencies.

Dates Outside Contract Dates

Indicates a gap between the Task and the Contract Dates. For this alert to be displayed, a hierarchy connection with a contract must exist between the two projects linked by the dependency.

This issue is only available for Copy Dependencies.

The Task has Assignments

Indicates that some Resources and/or Cost Items have been assigned to the Target Task.

This issue is only available for Copy Dependencies.

Task dates are not aligned with synchronized dates

Indicates that the Target Task Start and Finish dates are different from the Image synchronized dates. The user can solve the issue by clicking on the Align button so that the Target Task dates will automatically reflect the Source dates.

This issue is only available for Image Dependencies

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Dependencies Synchronization Issues popup is displayed.

Dependencies Synchronization Issues popup

This popup provides a list of source objects in the form of cards, listed by selected projects (target objects).


Each card provides the following attributes for a Dependency: Connection Type, Source Project’s Nature (if the connection is Project-to-Task), and Mapping Type.

In addition, the user can review the Synchronization status of the following attributes: Start, Finish, Total Effort, Total Cost, and % Completed (or Completed Date, depending on the Default Task Synchronization).

The legend is as follows:


Indicates that the data for the Source Object and the Target Object data differ. Both values will then be displayed, with the Target value being strikethrough.


Indicates that the data is properly synchronized.

The following tools are available:


Opens the Project Brief dialog box of the Source Project.


Gives users the opportunity to synchronize the Source Object information with the Target Task.


Opens the Work tab, Gantt sub-tab of the Target project Focus view.

Planning Alerts

The Planning section indicates the number of tasks having the following problems:

Not started as expected

Tasks whose Actual Start falls before the As of Date and whose % Completed value is equal to 0.

Not finished as expected

Tasks whose Actual Finish falls before the As of Date and whose % Completed value is below 100%.

With remaining effort in the past

Tasks that are not Completed and have some Remaining Effort before the As of Date.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Planning Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Planning Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup provides a detailed list of the tasks having problems. The following Task attributes are available: Name, % Completed, Start, Finish, Baseline Start, and Baseline Finish.

The following tools are available:

See More

Opens the Work tab, Gantt sub-tab of the corresponding project Focus view.



Opens the corresponding Task Details dialog box.

Phases & Gates Alerts

The Phases & Gates section shows the number of Gates whose OTD Status is “Not completed and late”.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Phases & Gates Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Phases & Gates Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup provides the details of the late Gates still open. The following attributes are displayed: Name, Finish, OTD Baseline Finish, OTD, and Workflow State Vote.

The following tools are available:

See More

Opens the Work tab, Gantt sub-tab of the corresponding project Focus view.



Opens the corresponding Task Details dialog box.

Work Items Alerts

The Work Items section indicates the number of Work Items whose Due Date falls before Today’s Date.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Work Items Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Work Items Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup lists the Work Items whose “Estimated Date” falls before Today’s date. The following Work Items attributes are displayed: Category (Action, Change Request, Deliverable, or Issue), Key, Name, Workflow State, Type, Assignee, and Estimated Date.

The following tools are available:

See More

Opens the Gantt tab of the corresponding project Focus view.



Opens the corresponding Work Item dialog box.

Risks Alerts

The Risks section indicates the number of Mitigation or Contingency Actions that are Overdue (i.e., those that are not closed and whose Committed Date (or Due Date if the Committed Date is empty) falls before Today’s date).

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Risks Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Risks Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup provides the list of Overdue Mitigation and Contingency Actions.


Each Action is represented in the form of a card which provides the following attributes: Key, Type, Name, Assignee, Status, and Due Date.


Clicking on the Action Key opens the corresponding Action dialog box.

An alert will be displayed (Planned_Beyond_Due_Date.png) if the Action is planned beyond its Due Date.

In addition, the Notes (notesUnread22_md.png) icon can be found here, indicating whether there are new Notes or not. For more information regarding this indicator, please refer to the Notes dialog box article.

Clicking on the “All” button provides access to the Risks full screen view.

Resources Alerts

The Resources section indicates the number of Inactive Resources planned. To be considered as a planned Inactive Resource, the Resource should meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a Resource whose Labor Assignment Finish Date falls after the Resource End Date,

  • or, if the End Date field is empty, be a Resource whose Status is “Inactive” and holds some Labor Assignment Total Effort in the future.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Resources Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Resources Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup lists the Inactive Resources planned, with their corresponding assignments.

The Resource End Date will be displayed next to the resource’s name (if any). Next to the assignment effort for each time interval, a red indicator will be displayed if it contains the Resource End Date or if the Resource is Inactive.

The following tools are available:

See More

Opens the Resources tab of the corresponding project Focus view.


Opens the corresponding Resource Brief dialog box.



Opens the corresponding Labor Assignment dialog box.

Tracking Alerts

The Tracking section indicates the number of projects that have outstanding Timesheets in the past (i.e., Actual Effort of at least one Timesheet is different from its corresponding Labor Assignment, and/or there is at least one Timesheet whose Status has not been “Approved” in the past).

Upon clicking on the Tracking button, the view switches to the Work workspace, Tracking tab.

Status Reports Alerts

The Status Reports section indicates if the selected project's Status Report is Overdue.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Status Reports Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Status Reports Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup shows the last Status Report in the form of a card that provides the following alert information: Creation Date, Author, and Indicators.


The following tools are available:


Opens the corresponding Status Report History dialog box.


Opens the Last Status Report popup.


Open Project

Switches the view to the corresponding Home Page workspace, Status Reports tab.

Billing Alerts

The Billing section indicates the number of tasks that should have been Billed (i.e., tasks whose Billable Status is other than “Billed” and whose Billable Date falls before Today’s date).

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Billing Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Billing Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup provides the list of tasks that should have been billed. The following Task information is displayed: Name, Start, Finish, Duration, % Completed, Billable, Confirmed, Billable Amount, Purchase Order, Billing Status, and Billing Date.

The following tools are available:


Open Project

Switches the view to the Work workspace, Billing tab.



Opens the corresponding Task Details dialog box.

Finance Alerts

The Finance section indicates the number of Overdue Transactions (i.e., Transactions whose Date falls before Today’s date, and whose Status is other than “Actual”) for the selected Next Period.

Upon clicking on the More (MoreHorizontal) button, the Finance Critical Alerts Details popup is displayed.

Finance Critical Alerts Details popup

This popup provides detailed information regarding the Overdue Transactions for the selected “Next Period”. The following transaction attributes are available: Parent (either a Task or a Project), Type, Date, Amount, Nature, and Status.

The following tools are available:

See More

Opens the Finance tab of the project Focus view.



Opens the corresponding Transaction dialog box.