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Portfolio Identification dialog box

Portfolio Identification section

The Portfolio Identification section provides the Name field allowing the user to edit the Portfolio Folder Name. A read-only Parent field displays the Portfolio Folder to which the current Portfolio Folder is attached.

A Description section is also available to allow the user to add any relevant information relating to the Portfolio Folder in Rich Text format.

Portfolio Stakeholders section

The Stakeholders section displays the following information: Manager 1, Manager 2, Manager 3.


Managers 1, 2, and 3 can also be defined by the Administrator in the System Data workspace, Portfolio Folders tab.

The Project Permissions sub-section allows the user to define permissions at the project level.

By default, all users have write permissions on Portfolio folders and Portfolio Managers have write permissions on projects.


Project and Portfolio Folders Permissions are defined by the Administrator in the Designer Permissions view.

Once permissions are defined more precisely, the Portfolio Manager will be able to grant other specific permissions to his/her portfolio projects: Users Readers, Organization Readers, Users Writers, and Organization Writers. 

Work Objects section

The Work Objects section provides the “Key” field, which allows the user to define the prefix of the Work Object Key when automatically numbering the Work Objects.

When redefining the project Key, in cases where some Work Objects already exist, the user will have to use the Update (Update.png) button located on the right-hand side of the field, for all the existing Work Objects to be updated with the new prefix.

Health Score section

The Health Score section provides the fields to define each score weight in the Portfolio Health Score calculation: Health Score Time Weight, Health Score Cost Weight, and Health Score Quality Weight.