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Insert Recurring Transactions

When a cost or saving occurs in multiple occurrences, instead of manually creating each occurrence, it is possible to use the Insert Recurring Transactions (RecurringTransactionsColor) command to create multiple transactions at the same time.

The dialog box allows the user to specify the following Transaction attributes: Name, Amount, and Type. Then, the frequency of the occurrences (relative to the first one), can be defined in the “Repeat every” section.

The user can check the Include As Cost option to create Transactions whose Nature will be “Cost”. Otherwise, the Transactions will be considered as “Savings”.

After the recurring Transactions have been created, each occurrence is independent of the others; they can be edited or deleted without affecting any other transaction.


Let’s assume that an expense of $3,000 occurs on the 1st of every month, for 12 months, starting at the beginning of a given Task. The Insert Recurring Transactions dialog box can be used to create the 12 occurrences. If, after a few occurrences have taken place, the Project Manager is informed that the remaining occurrences will be $4,000 (instead of the $3,000 originally forecasted), the Project Manager can manually edit each of the remaining occurrences, or, alternatively, the remaining occurrences can be deleted by the Project Manager, and the Insert Recurring Transactions dialog box can be used to recreate the remaining transactions with the new amount.