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Savings dialog box

Savings sub-tab

Entering some project Savings allows the user to identify the potential revenues of the project and, therefore, enable the monitoring of the KPI.

Savings spreadsheet

The Savings spreadsheet provides the following savings attributes:

Saving Type

By default, the Solution comes with three types of Savings: “Increased Revenue”, “Reduced Costs”, and “Strategic Advantage”.


“Planned” and “Current”. The Planned field is provided to keep track of the initial amount of the Savings. (Filling in this field is optional and amounts have to be entered manually.)


The Administrator can modify the Savings types directly in a pick-list available in the Designer, Fields view. The Savings field will have to be overwritten.

The following commands are available:



Adds a new Planned and Current set of rows in the spreadsheet so that the user can enter new Savings information.



Allows the user to delete the selected savings row(s). This command is only available if at least one savings row is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Copy to Planned

Allows the user to copy each of the Current field values for the selected savings into its corresponding Planned fields. This command is only available if at least one savings row is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).

Savings chart

When the Charts (Charts) display option is activated, a chart is displayed allowing the user to review the Billable Revenues (if any), Savings, and Transaction Savings as opposed to the project’s Total Cost (or Adjusted Total Cost) over time.

The user can take advantage of the Time Navigation toolbar to change the chart time frame.

Transactions sub-tab

The Transactions sub-tab provides a list of the selected project(s) Transactions whose Nature is “Savings”.

The Saving Transactions spreadsheet shows the following transaction attributes: Parent (either a Task or a Project), Type, Date, Date Formula, Amount, and Status.

The following tools are available:



Gives access to the following commands:

  • Project Transaction – Opens the Transaction dialog box, allowing the user to create a Transaction at the Project level.

  • Task Transaction – Allows the user to create a Transaction at a Task level by prompting him/her to select a Task, and then open the Transaction dialog box.



Allows the user to delete the selected transaction(s). This command is only available if at least one Transaction is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Insert Recurring Transactions

When a cost occurs multiple times, instead of manually creating each occurrence, it is possible to use the Insert Recurring Transactions feature to create multiple transactions at the same time. Once the user has selected whether to create recurring transactions at the Task or the Project level, the Insert Recurring Transaction dialog box is displayed.



Opens the Transaction dialog box.

The user can take advantage of the following display option:


Sort By

Allows the user to sort the Transactions by Amount, Date, and Name.


Group By

Allows the user to group the Transactions by Parent and Type.

Key Facts section

The Key Facts section (located on the right-hand side of the dialog box) provides the following information: Savings, Total Cost (or Adjusted Total Cost), NPV (Net Present Value), ROI (Return on Investment), and Payback.