How to create & modify links between cards

The links between the cards can be created, modified, and deleted from the planning. Only cards of the same type can be linked (Project-Project, Phase-Phase, etc.).

The links between cards in the planning are only “Finish-Start” links. When adding a link, the two cards will then be connected end-to-end by reducing the margin between these 2 cards to 0 days.

Create a link

Place the mouse on a card, two circles appear at the ends of the card. Click on one of the circles and pull the link to another form.


Delete a link

Click on the link to delete it. A confirmation window will appear where the user can validate or not the deletion.


From the columns

The links can also be modified thanks to the “Successors” and “Predecessors” columns. The number of the cards is used to create links. To add an additional link, insert “;” between numbers (ex: 15;21)
