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Setup tab

The Administration workspace Setup tab aims at providing all the tools needed to select and adapt the features to be used in the project, allowing the user to precisely tailor the experience as close to his/her needs as possible.

Main toolbar

The main toolbar is located on the top of the view and aims at providing the most important project information and commands.


The display of the main toolbar differs depending on the tab currently selected and whether the project is locked or unlocked.

Here is the list of the buttons users can encounter in the Home Page workspace:



Allows the user to create a new project.



Publishes any changes to the current project, but only if the current project is the active Working version.



Opens the Project Administration dialog box.



Locks the project so that other users cannot modify it. Upon locking a project, the Undo and Redo commands become available.

Note: This command is only available if the project is not yet locked by any user.



Unlocks a previously locked project.

Note: This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.



Erases the previous change done, reverting the project to its previous state.

Note: This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.



Reverses the action of the Undo command.

Note: This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.


Status Report History

Opens the Status Report History full screen view.


Manage Baselines

Opens the Manage Baselines dialog box.


Workflow Actions

Allows the user to modify the Workflow State Vote associated with the project.



Displays the Workflow Information dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Save As – Allows a user to save a project in different versions, including Working, Objective, and Template.

  • Deactivate selected version – Sets the project's Status to "Inactive". Only "Inactive" projects can be purged from the database.

  • Deactivate all versions – Sets all project's version Status to "Inactive".

  • Activate – Reverts the Deactivate command.

To activate a feature, the user needs to click on the corresponding icon:



Indicates that the feature is deactivated. Clicking on it activates the corresponding feature.



Indicates that the feature is activated for the selected project. Clicking on it deactivates the corresponding feature.

Home Page Features

The Home Page Features section provides the following options:


Makes the Evaluation feature available, allowing the user to describe and score his/her project. Activating this option displays the following views:

  • Home Page workspace, Evaluation tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Evaluation folder

  • Dashboards workspace, Evaluation report


Makes the Connection feature available, allowing the user to connect the project with others. Activating this option displays the following views:

  • Home Page workspace, Connections tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Connections folder


Makes the Dependency feature available for the project. Activating this option displays the following views:

  • Home Page workspace, Dependencies tab

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, Task side panel, Dependency tab

In addition, other views containing options for creating dependencies or containing dependency-related alerts, for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Dependencies Advanced Attributes popup.

Work Packages

Makes the Work Package feature available for the project. Activating this option displays the Home Page workspace, Work Packages tab.


Makes the Objectives feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the Home Page workspace, Objectives tab.


Makes the Benefits feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the Home Page workspace, Benefits tab.

Dependencies Advanced Attributes

The Dependencies Advanced Attributes popup provides the following fields:

Master Planning

Makes the selected Program available in the Master Planning workspace. The Master Planning workspace provides executives with a simpler and quicker way to monitor the key projects of their organization.

This option is only available for projects whose Nature is "Program".

Default Mapping

Allows the user to define the default way the Source object (Project or Task) of a dependency is going to be displayed on the Target Task:

  • Image – The Source object (Project or Task) dates will be shown at the Target Task level, without having any impact. The Start and Finish dates of the Source object are displayed in the form of grey triangles directly in the Gantt chart.

  • Copy – The Target Task Start and Finish dates will be identical to the ones of the Source object (Project or Task). In that case, the target tasks will be displayed in the Gantt chart with a grey horizontal line above the Gantt bar.

Default Task Synchronization

Allows the user to define the Task completion value used for synchronization: % Completed (default) or Completed Date.

Force Task Splitting

Activates the task "Allow Splitting" attribute by default upon synchronizing a Dependency.

Reminder: The “Allow Splitting” attribute defines whether or not the uncompleted portion of a task can be separated from its completed portion.

Allow the project to be a source

Allows the selected project to be chosen as a Source Object for a Project-to-Task Dependency.

Allow the tasks to be a source

Allows the selected project's tasks to be chosen as a Source Object for a Task-to-Task Dependency.

Task as Source

Allows the user to define which tasks are available for selection upon creating a new dependency:

  • Custom (default) – Only the Tasks whose Allow Dependencies field has been activated will be available for selection.

  • All – All the Tasks will be available for selection.

Dependency Date Base

Allows the user to choose the Baseline to take into account for the Dependency Source dates.

Work Features

The Work Features section provides options that will mainly impact the Work workspace:


Makes the Agile feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Work workspace, Work Items tab

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, Task side panel, Agile tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Agile folder

In addition, other views containing options for creating Agile objects or containing  Agile-related alerts and indicators, for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Agile Advanced Attributes popup.

Work Items

Upon activating this option, the user will have the opportunity to activate each Work Item category individually (i.e., Action, Change Request, Deliverable, and Issues) for the project. Activating Work Items will impact the following views:

  • Work workspace, Work Items tab

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, Task side panel, Work Objects tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Work Items folder

  • Task Details dialog box, Work Objects sub-tab

In addition, other views containing options for creating Work Items or containing Work Item-related alerts and indicators, for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Work Items Advanced Attributes popup.


Makes the Billing feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Work workspace, Billing tab

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, Task side panel, Billing tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Billing folder

  • Task Details dialog box, Billing sub-tab

  • Dashboards workspace, Billing report

In addition, other views containing options for managing Billable elements, or containing Billing-related alerts and indicators for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Billing Advanced Attributes popup.

Phases & Gates

Makes the Phases & Gates feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the Work workspace, Phases & Gates tab.

In addition, various other views containing options for managing Phases & Gates or containing Phase & Gate-related alerts and indicators, for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Phases & Gates Advanced Attributes popup.


Makes the Work workspace Tracking tab available, allowing the user to track the project using the Team Members’ Timesheets.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Tracking Advanced Attributes popup.


Makes the Risk Management feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Work workspace, Risks tab

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, Task side panel, Work Objects tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Risks folder

  • Task Details dialog box, Work Objects sub-tab

In addition, various other views containing options for managing Risks or containing Risk-related alerts and indicators, for instance, will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Risks Advanced Attributes popup.

Work Features Advanced Attributes

Agile Advanced Attributes

The Agile Advanced Attributes popup provides the following Agile attributes:


Any Backlog Item is identified by a unique and searchable Key.

The user can modify the prefix of existing Backlog Items by entering a new value and clicking on the Update (Update.png) button located on the right-hand side of the field.


Changing the Agile Key prefix will also apply to the Work Object's one, but clicking on the "Update" button will only impact the existing Backlog Item' Key.

Business Liaison

Allows the Product Owner to identify one or several users as Business Liaison.

The Business Liaison is the person in charge of coordinating the customer needs with the Agile Team. This field is for information purposes only.

Allow Backlog Item Conversion

Defines whether or not tools to convert Backlog Items into tasks are made available.

Upon activating this option, the Convert (Convert) command will become available in the spreadsheet toolbar of the Full Backlog view upon selecting a Backlog Item.

Note: This feature is only available if the Show Convert Buttons option in the System Settings workspace, Agile Settings folder, Global Options tab is switched on.

Done Criteria

Allows users to enter a list of criteria that must be met before a product increment, often a story, is considered as Completed.

Backlog Item Workflow

Allows the user to select the Backlog Item Workflow. This field is only editable if the project has no Backlog Items.

Default Iteration Duration

When an Iteration is created, the Finish date will be, by default, calculated by adding the Default Iteration Duration to the Start date.

Note: This option takes into account the project Calendar.

WIP Limit

Allows the user to enter the value over which the WIP indicator will turn red.

Performance Chart

Allows the user to select the chart that is to be displayed in the Home Page view (Burndown or Burnup).

Burndown Data

Allow the user to choose whether the Burn Down chart should display Effort or Story Points values.

Note: This option also applies to the Burn Up chart.

Backlog Item Default Release Value

Allows the user to define whether the Backlog Item Release field should be automatically populated with the Release defined at the Backlog Item's Iteration or Epic level.

This defines a priority; when the Default value is not available, the field will be filled in with the other object's Release (if any).

Gantt Synchronization Options

Allows the user to define for which Agile Objects the linked Gantt Tasks' % Completed is going to be synchronized upon clicking on the Agile Problems panel "Update" button.

Alert Options

Allows the user to filter the alerts that will be displayed in the Agile Synchronization Problems panel. In this way, the Project Manager is notified only for the alerts he/she is interested in viewing.

Card Options

Allow the user to choose which element should be displayed in the Backlog Item card. For more information, please refer to the Backlog Item Card Slots options article (System Settings workspace, Agile Settings folder, Global Options tab).

Backlog Item Sections Options

Allow the user to choose which Backlog Item dialog box sections are available, and if they should be activated by default. For these options to be taken into account, the user needs to Publish the project with the command displayed below.

Note: The Publish action is only available for projects whose Version is “Working”.

Enable Acceptance popup upon completion

When the Acceptance Backlog Item section is activated, the Enable Acceptance Workflow popup option is available. It allows the user to be prompted to update the "Acceptance" field upon completing a Backlog Item.

Work Items Advanced Attributes

The Work Items Advanced Attributes popup provides the “Key” field, which allows the user to define the prefix of the Work Object Key when automatically numbering the Work Objects. By default, the Key corresponds to the Project ID.

When redefining the project Key, in cases where some Work Objects already exist, the user will have to use the Update (Update.png) button located on the right-hand side of the field, for all the existing Work Objects to be updated with the new prefix.

Billing Advanced Attributes

The Billing Advanced Attributes popup provides the following information:

Billing Mode

The Billing Mode is used to specify how Labor Revenues (Billable Amount values) are managed. Three different modes are available:

  • Fixed Price – It is expected that all the Billable Amount values will be entered manually by the Project Managers.

  • Time & Material – The Revenues (aka Billable Amount) are calculated according to the following equation: Total Effort * Revenue Rate.

  • Hybrid – The Project combines both of the previous options, and the Project Managers are expected to set the Billing Mode at the Task level.

Enable Revenues for Reporting

Provides the Total Revenues in the Performance Dashboards. This option is only available if the corresponding setting is activated in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Billing tab.

Task Billable by default

Allows the user to define if upon creating the task, the newly created task should be automatically marked as Billable or not.

Revenue Rate Source

Upon selecting an option, the corresponding spreadsheet is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Phases & Gates Advanced Attributes

The Phases & Gates Advanced Attributes popup provides the following fields:

Use Current Baseline

Allows the user to use the Current Baseline to calculate the OTD Status.

Note: This field is editable only if the Enable Project OTD Baseline Selection setting has been activated by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

OTD Baseline

Allows the user to choose the Baseline used to calculate the OTD Status.

OTD Tolerance (read-only)

Indicates the % shift between the Phase or Gate Actual Finish and Baseline Finish dates deemed acceptable.

Note: The OTD Tolerance is defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

Enable Mandatory Deliverables Check When Approving Gate (read-only)

Indicates whether or not the user will be able to Approve a Gate if the mandatory deliverables are not completed.

Note: The Enable Mandatory Deliverables Check When Approving Gate option is set by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Workflow Options tab.

Based on the options above, the OTD Status is calculated as follows:



Not completed and late (Finish > OTD Baseline Finish + OTD Tolerance, or Finish > Today’s date)



Completed late (Finish > OTD Baseline Finish + OTD Tolerance)



Completed on Time (Finish ≤ OTD Baseline Finish + OTD Tolerance)



Not Completed and On Time (Finish < OTD Baseline Finish + OTD Tolerance)

Tracking Advanced Attributes

The Tracking Advanced Attributes popup provides the following fields:

Actuals from Tracking Source Only

Indicates whether or not the Project Manager can edit the Labor Assignments Actual Effort values.

Review Timesheet Before Apply

Indicates whether or not the Resource Manager must Review the Timesheet to make the “Apply” command available.

Review Timesheet Before Approve

Indicates whether or not the Resource Manager must Review the Timesheet to make the “Approve” command available.

Enable Impact Management

Allows the user to define whether or not the Impact Management full screen view should be available upon applying Timesheets.

Tracking Default View Mode

Allows the user to choose which view mode will be set by default for the Project when reviewing Timesheets: By Tasks or By Resources.

Risks Advanced Attributes

The Risks Advanced Attributes popup provides the “Key” field, which allows the user to define the prefix of the Work Object Key when automatically numbering the Work Objects. By default, the Key corresponds to the Project ID.

When redefining the project Key, in cases where some Work Objects already exist, the user will have to use the Update (Update.png) button located on the right-hand side of the field, for all the existing Work Objects to be updated with the new prefix.

Administration Features

The Administration Features section provides the following options:

Lessons Learned

Displays the following views:

  • Administration workspace, Lessons Learned tab

  • Project Administration dialog box, Lessons Learned folder


Displays the following views:

  • Administration workspace, Documents tab

  • Project Administration dialog box, Documents folder


Displays the following views:

  • Administration workspace, Attachments tab

  • Project Administration dialog box, Attachments folder

Activity Management

The Activity Management section allows the user to select the tab that should be displayed first in the Work workspace. The following options are available: Gantt, Task List, Agile, and Work Items.

Default Gantt View sub-section

In addition, when some additional Gantt views have been implemented for the Gantt tab, Scheduler mode, the user can define which Gantt should be displayed by default.


Gantt Preferences are defined in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Global Options tab, Gantt Preferences sub-tab.

Planning Options sub-section

The Planning Options sub-section displays the Leveling Priority and Schedule Method fields for the user to set up.

Resource Management

The Resource Management section allows the user to define whether or not a Resource Acquisition Capability should be used

Resource Acquisition

Allows the user to define whether or not a Resource Acquisition Capability should be used. Once this option is activated, he/she will have the opportunity to choose the Resource Origin (Allocations, Project Requests, or Work Package Requests), and whether or not to use Dedicated Resources.


When the Resources Allocations option is activated, and if the Administrator has set the "Enable Allocation Type" setting option to "Both", the user can access the Allocations Advanced Attributes popup by clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button.

The Allocations Advanced Attributes popup allows him/her to define how to create Allocations (Direct Allocations, and/or Allocations linked to Requests).

Generic Resources

Allows the user to define and assign predefined resource profiles.

Cost Items

Allows the user to manage and assign Cost Items.

Default View sub-section

The Default View sub-section allows the user to define which one of the Resources (default), Tasks, or Cost Items tabs should come first in the Resources workspace.

Assignments Options sub-section

In addition, the following assignments options can be set:


Allows the user to define whether or not the “Allow Non-Uniform” attribute should be set to “Yes” by default.

Default Distribution Type

The Distribution Type governs how the resource is allocated over the length of a task.

The following equation is used to relate the Duration, Rate, and Total Effort within a resource assignment: DURATION x RATE = TOTAL EFFORT.


The Finance section allows the user to activate the following features:


Makes available the Budget feature for the project. Activating this option will mainly impact the Finance workspace.


Makes the Transactions feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Finance workspace, Transactions-related information

  • Task Details dialog box, Transactions sub-tab

When several Transaction Modes and/or Levels are enabled, the Gear (GearOther) icon is displayed. Upon clicking on it, the user can select the enabled Transaction Modes ("Dated", "Distributed", or "Both") and Level ("Project", "Task", or "Both").


Makes the Savings feature available for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Finance workspace, Savings-related information

  • Project Brief dialog box, Finance folder, Savings sub-tab

Forecast Costs

Makes available the Forecast Costs feature for the project. Activating this option will mainly impact the Finance workspace.

Clicking on the Advanced Attributes button opens the Finance Advanced Attributes popup.


Finance Advanced Attributes

The Finance Advanced Attributes popup can display the following fields:

Soft Assignment Cost Source

Allows the user to choose whether the cost source comes from the organization or the job classification when soft assignments are assigned to tasks.

Default Resource Assignment Cost Source

The Default Resource Assignment Cost Source allows the user to define the default source for the Resource Assignment Actual Cost.

Ranking Cost Source

Allows the user to choose whether the Business Case Cost displayed in the Portfolio Ranking workspace should come from the Total Cost or the Forecast Cost.

This option is only available for Business Cases, if the “Enable Ranking Cost Source Selection” option has been activated by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, Budget/Finance Settings folder.

Discount Rate

Allows the user to define the rate of return used in a discounted cash flow analysis to determine the present value of future cash flows.

The Discount Rate is the value that will be taken into account in the Net Present Value calculation. NPV = Cash Flowt / (1 + Discount Rate)t .

Cost Center

Allows the user to associate the project's cost to a Cost Center. Once a Cost Center has been identified, the user will have the opportunity to easily compare the resulting Cost with the corresponding Cost Center’s Budget.

Forecast Labor Type

Allows the user to choose whether the Labor Forecast should be displayed in terms of “Cost” or “Effort”.

Enable Project Cost Center Reallocation In %

Allows the user to enter a Reallocation % value in the Finance workspace, Budget tab.


This option is only available when the corresponding setting has been activated in the System Settings workspace, Budget/Finance Settings folder, Budget section.

It also provides the read-only lists of the Organizations (with the related Cost Center and Cost), Job Classifications (with the corresponding Cost and Revenue Rate), and Resources in the respective sub-tabs.

Reporting & Alerts

The Reporting & Alerts section allows the user to activate the following features:

Status Reports

Makes available the Status Reports feature for the project. Activating this option will display the following views:

  • Home Page workspace, Status Reports tab

  • Project Brief dialog box, Overview folder

In addition, various other views displaying the last submitted report will also be impacted.

Clicking on the Gear (GearOther) button opens the Status Report Preferences dialog box.


Makes the alerts available in the following views:

  • Work workspace, Gantt tab, Gantt side panel.

  • Home Page workspace, Critical Alerts panel (both in single and multi-project selection)

Milestones Monitoring

Makes available the Milestone Monitoring feature for the project. Activating this option will display the Monitoring tab of the Administration workspace.

Clicking on the Advanced Attributes button opens the Reporting & Alerts Advanced Attributes popup.


Reporting & Alerts Advanced Attributes

Health Score Preferences

The Health Score Preferences section provides the necessary fields to set up the weight of each Health Score component.

Chat Notifications

The Chat Notifications section provides all the tools for the Project Manager to set up Webhooks. In doing so, some notifications will be pushed to a chat tool of the user’s choosing upon performing some actions.

Upon activating the “Allow Webhooks” option, the Webhooks spreadsheet will be displayed, allowing the user to define new Webhooks.



Allows the user to add a new row to the spreadsheet to define a Webhook. The user can then directly enter in the cells the Webhook Name, URL, and Status.



Allows the user to delete defined Webhooks. This option is only available if at least one Webhook is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the Webhook Details dialog box, allowing the user to define which events trigger a Notification.