Risks Home Page – Multi-project selection

The Multi-Project Home Page spreadsheet allows the user to quickly review the number of Risks and their corresponding Mitigation/Contingency Actions for each selected project.


Upon clicking on the Project Name, the Project Brief dialog box is displayed. And clicking on the Details (chart22_md.png) button displays the corresponding project Risks full screen view.

For each project, the spreadsheet lists the number of open risks, as well as the total number of risks for each Risk Level. Then, the number of mitigation and contingency Actions (open and total) is displayed as well.

When hovering the mouse over the progress bar, a popup with the following information is displayed: Progress in %, number of Closed Items, and Cycle Time (i.e., the average time spent between the Open and Closed states).

The main toolbar provides the following tools to allow the user to easily filter and sort the projects:


Sort By

Allows the user to choose one of the following criteria to sort the view:

  • Alphabetical Order: Sorts by ascending order (based on the Name).

  • Reverse Alphabetical Order: Sorts by descending order (based on the Name).

  • Most Risky First: Sorts using the Risk score (highest score first).

  • Least Risky First: Sorts using the Risk score (lowest score first).


Show Flagged

Allows the user to only display Projects with Flagged Work Objects.



Allows the user to filter the project list by searching for a specific name.

Upon clicking on the number of Risks for a given Risk level, the corresponding project Risks full screen view will be displayed.

Upon clicking on the number of Actions, the corresponding Mitigation or Contingency Actions full screen view will be displayed.

A red dot (Status_Indicator_Red_Dot.png) will be displayed next to the number of open items if at least one of the Risk features one of the following alerts: Overdue, Planned beyond Due Date, and Estimated in the Past.