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Risk Workflow

By default, the Risk Workflow in Sciforma is the following:


By default, the Default Permissions (Users allowed to read or write the object) and the Default Responsibles (Users responsible for moving an object from one state to another) are set to all users at the Workflow level.

Workflow State



This Workflow State represents the Risks identifying and analyzing phase.


Select this Workflow State when mitigating the Risk.


Select this Workflow State when the Risk occurs and the Contingency plan must be run.

Upon transitioning from “New” to “Open”, the Risk Level Indicators will be automatically captured with the Snapshot feature available in the Risk dialog box.

The user will be prompted to take a specific action when reaching the “Closed” Workflow State:

  • No further action

  • Turn the Risk into a Task

  • Turn the Risk into an Issue

Upon any transition, the user following can occur:


Comments can be disabled by the Administrator by switching off the "Enable Risks Workflow Comments" option available in the System Settings workspace, Work Management Settings folder, Risks tab.