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Project Allocations Dashboards full screen view

Overview tab

The Overview tab allows the user to visualize the information regarding the Allocation Requests, the Allocated Effort, and the Actual Effort for a selected project through concise recap charts.

Requests by Organization

The Requests by Organization pie chart displays the distribution of the requests per organization.

Resource Usage Gap Analysis

This chart allows the user to compare the Requested Effort, Allocated Effort, and Total Effort of the selected project, for the selected time period and intervals.

Allocations vs. Actuals

The Allocations vs. Actuals chart allows the user to compare the Allocated Effort and Actual Effort of the selected project, for the selected time period and intervals.

Resource Usage Gap Analysis tab

The Resource Usage Gap Analysis tab allows the user to review the effort that has been allocated by the Resource Manager, as opposed to what has been planned by the Project Manager, and how the Resource is actually being used. It makes it easy for the Project Manager to not only identify any gap but to also pinpoint over-assignments and assignments created outside the allocation boundaries.

The spreadsheet displays first the Project Allocation information and the corresponding Assigned Effort (if any), and following that, the Assignments with no matching Allocations.

The spreadsheet provides the following Resource Allocation information: Organization, Job Classification, and Skills. Then it displays the time-distributed Allocated Effort, Assigned Effort, and Actuals (depending on the time period and interval selected in the Time Navigation toolbar).

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the % shift between the resources Total/Actual Effort and the Allocated Effort. The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Resource Utilization Preferences.

Financial Overview tab

The Financial Overview tab displays a spreadsheet allowing the user to review the potential impact on the selected project cost of the Allocations and Allocation Requests.

Read-only fields are displayed in the upper section of the view as reminders of the origin of the displayed costs: Request Cost Source, Hard Allocation Cost Source, and Soft Allocation Cost Source.

At the top of the spreadsheet, the user can view the Request Total Cost and the Allocation Total Cost.

Below that, the user can review the time-distributed cost of each Hard and Soft Allocation, grouped by Allocation Request (for allocations linked to a request) for all the Direct Allocations.