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Agile Advanced Attributes

The Agile Advanced Attributes popup provides the following Agile attributes:


Any Backlog Item is identified by a unique and searchable Key.

The user can modify the prefix of existing Backlog Items by entering a new value and clicking on the Update (Update.png) button located on the right-hand side of the field.


Changing the Agile Key prefix will also apply to the Work Object's one, but clicking on the "Update" button will only impact the existing Backlog Item' Key.

Business Liaison

Allows the Product Owner to identify one or several users as Business Liaison.

The Business Liaison is the person in charge of coordinating the customer needs with the Agile Team. This field is for information purposes only.

Allow Backlog Item Conversion

Defines whether or not tools to convert Backlog Items into tasks are made available.

Upon activating this option, the Convert (Convert) command will become available in the spreadsheet toolbar of the Full Backlog view upon selecting a Backlog Item.

Note: This feature is only available if the Show Convert Buttons option in the System Settings workspace, Agile Settings folder, Global Options tab is switched on.

Done Criteria

Allows users to enter a list of criteria that must be met before a product increment, often a story, is considered as Completed.

Backlog Item Workflow

Allows the user to select the Backlog Item Workflow. This field is only editable if the project has no Backlog Items.

Default Iteration Duration

When an Iteration is created, the Finish date will be, by default, calculated by adding the Default Iteration Duration to the Start date.

Note: This option takes into account the project Calendar.

WIP Limit

Allows the user to enter the value over which the WIP indicator will turn red.

Performance Chart

Allows the user to select the chart that is to be displayed in the Home Page view (Burndown or Burnup).

Burndown Data

Allow the user to choose whether the Burn Down chart should display Effort or Story Points values.

Note: This option also applies to the Burn Up chart.

Backlog Item Default Release Value

Allows the user to define whether the Backlog Item Release field should be automatically populated with the Release defined at the Backlog Item's Iteration or Epic level.

This defines a priority; when the Default value is not available, the field will be filled in with the other object's Release (if any).

Gantt Synchronization Options

Allows the user to define for which Agile Objects the linked Gantt Tasks' % Completed is going to be synchronized upon clicking on the Agile Problems panel "Update" button.

Alert Options

Allows the user to filter the alerts that will be displayed in the Agile Synchronization Problems panel. In this way, the Project Manager is notified only for the alerts he/she is interested in viewing.

Card Options

Allow the user to choose which element should be displayed in the Backlog Item card. For more information, please refer to the Backlog Item Card Slots options article (System Settings workspace, Agile Settings folder, Global Options tab).

Backlog Item Sections Options

Allow the user to choose which Backlog Item dialog box sections are available, and if they should be activated by default. For these options to be taken into account, the user needs to Publish the project with the command displayed below.

Note: The Publish action is only available for projects whose Version is “Working”.

Enable Acceptance popup upon completion

When the Acceptance Backlog Item section is activated, the Enable Acceptance Workflow popup option is available. It allows the user to be prompted to update the "Acceptance" field upon completing a Backlog Item.