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Risk simulation full screen view

The Risk simulation full screen view allows Project Managers to estimate the possible impacts Risks could have on a project’s cost and duration.

Simulation Scenarios tab

The Simulation Scenarios tab provides a spreadsheet that allows the user to create various scenarios by combining various Risks.


Only open Task Risks are taken into account in the simulation.

The Simulation scenarios are defined by the following attributes:

  • Name of the Scenario

  • Risks – List of Task Risks to be considered in the scenario

  • Probability (checkbox) – Specifies if the Probability of each Risk should be taken into account while calculating the impacts on the project’s cost and duration.

  • Projected Impact Cost – Sum of the Impact Cost values of the Risks included in the scenario. If the Probability (checkbox) is ticked, each Risk’s Impact Cost will be prorated according to its Probability during this Project Impact Cost calculation.

  • Projected Slippage – Potential Duration that might be added to the project. This field is automatically computed by Sciforma upon clicking on the Run Scenario command.


The calculation of the Project Slippage cannot be performed in real-time because it requires the simulation of the Impact Time of each task risk, depending on whether the tasks are on the critical path or not.

The following tools are available:



Creates a new row in the spreadsheet, allowing the user to enter the attributes of the new scenario.



Allows the user to delete the selected scenario(s). This command is only available if at least one scenario is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Gives access to the following commands:

  • Run Scenario – Allows the user to execute the simulation before the scenario is analyzed. Running the scenario also allows the Projected Slippage field to be automatically filled in.

  • Review Results – Switches the view to the Schedule Impact tab, with the selected scenario made current.

Upon activating the Charts (Charts) display option, a chart section is displayed in the top of the view.

The user can then choose to display the Time Impact or the Cost Impact chart by selecting the corresponding folder on the left-hand side. The charts represent the impact of the different scenarios on a project’s time and cost, information that can be useful when selecting the best scenario.

Schedule Impact tab

The Schedule Impact tab provides a Gantt view, which allows the user to examine the impact of a selected scenario (as of its last execution) on each task in the current project.

This Gantt view provides the following commands (if at least one task is selected): Summarize, Scroll Into View, and Zoom Controls.

The user can choose which Risk scenario to display by accessing the Selected Risk Scenario field located above the Gantt view.

The purple symbols in the Gantt view show the position of the tasks (Start and Finish dates), taking into consideration the critical path of the selected risk scenario.