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Filters popup

Upon clicking on the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the toolbar, the Filters popup is displayed.

On the right-hand side of the popup, a list of the filter categories is displayed (the categories may differ depending on the tab selected). When one of the categories has at least one active filter, a blue icon (Icon_Checkmark_Circle_Blue.png) is displayed next to it.

At the bottom of the panel, the Reset button is displayed, allowing the user to clear all the filtering fields at once.

Status section

Workflow States

Allows the user to only display projects whose Workflow State has been selected.

Scope section


Allows the user to only display projects whose Nature has been selected from the pick-list.


Allows the user to only display projects whose Type has been selected from the pick-list.

Portfolio Folders

Allows the user to only display projects whose Portfolio Folder has been selected from the Portfolio Folder list.

Managed By

Allows the user to only display projects whose Manager 1 has been selected from the User list.

Methodology section

Agile Projects

Allows the user to either display or not display projects whose using the Agile feature.

CCPM Projects

Allows the user to either display or not display projects whose Schedule Method is “Critical Chain”.

Time Frame section

Finish Before

Allows the user to only display projects that finish before the entered date.

Finish After

Allows the user to only display projects that finish after the entered date.