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Issues Center workspace

The Issues Center workspace constitutes a unique entry point to display all the Issues the logged-in user has read or write permissions to. It provides all the relevant information and tools to manage the Issues.

Main toolbar

The following commands and display options are available in the main toolbar:


Allows the user to select a view. By default, the following views are available with the Default Configuration:

  • Relevant to me – Displays all the Issues for which the logged-in user is either the Creator or the Assignee.

  • Assigned to me – Displays all the Issues for which the logged-in user is the Assignee.

  • Created by me – Displays all the Issues for which the logged-in user is the Creator.

  • All Issues – Displays all the Issues for which the logged-in user has read or write permissions.


Users' own preferences can be saved as views, allowing them to customize their experience within the application, enhancing usability and efficiency. The following functionalities can be saved as part of a view:

  • Displayed columns

  • Columns width

  • Sort

  • Group

  • Filters

Once the grid has been modified according to the user's own preferences, the view can be saved by clicking on the button available in the Views field. The user will then be prompted to enter a View Preference Name in the displayed popup


When a currently selected view is deleted, the selected view is replaced with the default view.


Opens the Create a New Issue popup, allowing the user to select a Portfolio Folder, Project, or Work Package the Issue will be related to.

Once the Portfolio Folder, Project, or Work Package has been selected, an empty Issue Card is displayed, allowing the user to fully define the Issue.



Allows the user to filter the Issues list by searching for a specific name.



Opens the Filters popup, which offers the capability to filter the Issues according to various criteria.


Groups the Issues according to the option selected.


Displays the list of columns that can be shown, hidden, or reordered in the Issues Grid.


The upper part of the list displays the shown columns.

To hide a column in the Issues Grid, click on the ShownButton.png button available on the right-hand side of the field name.

To show a column in the Issues Grid, click on the HiddenButton.png button available on the right-hand side of the field name. Consequently, the field name will be placed in the lower part of the list.

To reorder the columns in the Issues Grid, hover the left-hand side of the field row, then drag and drop the row to the desired position.


Only the fields that are part of the Object field sets can be displayed. This list is managed by the Administrator in the Designer, Fields view.

Grid view

The Issues Grid available in the Issues Center workspace provides a spreadsheet listing the Issues and some of their attributes. By default, the following columns are displayed: Name, Key, Project, Related Task, Type, Priority, Assignee, Due Date, Estimated Date, and Workflow State Vote.


Users can modify the columns displayed in the Issues Grid by clicking on the ColumnsButton.png button in theMain toolbar.


The Flag column provides the ability to flag and unflag the Issue by clicking on the icon.

The Notes column indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.

Clicking on the More (More_Vertical.png) button available on the right hand-side of each attribute's column header provides access to the following options to optimize the display of the grid:


Sort Ascending

Sorts by ascending order


Sort Descending

Sorts by descending order


Hide in view

Hides the column in the view

Clicking on the Open button available on the right-hand side of the Issue Name opens the Issue Card.