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How to define the Project Revenue Rate Source

The Project Revenue Rate Source is the rate used to automatically calculate the Billable Amount when the Billable Mode is set to “Time & Material”.


The Revenue Rate Source can only be edited if the Administrator has activated the “Enable Project Revenue Rate Source Selection” option, available in the System Settings workspace, Project Settings folder, Display Preferences tab.

  1. Log in to the HTML5 client.

  2. Select the Projects Center workspace and open the Project Card.

  3. Select the Administration workspace, Setup tab.

  4. In the Work Features section, click on the Billing Advanced Attributes (GearOther) button.

  5. In the Billing Advanced Attributes popup, select one of the following options in the Revenue Rate Source field pick-list:

    1. Global.Project – The rate depends entirely on the Project Revenue Rate entered upon selecting this option.

    2. Global.Resource – The rate depends entirely on the assigned Nominative Resources.


      The Resource Revenue Rate is defined by the Administrator in the Resource Identification dialog box, available in the Corporate Data workspace, Resources tab.

    3. Global.Job Classification – The rate depends on the Job Classification identified for each nominative assignment (if no specific Job is identified, the assigned Resource rate will be considered.)


      The Job Classification Revenue Rate is defined by the Administrator in the System Data workspace, Job Classifications tab.

    4. Project.Resource – The Project Manager can define a rate specific to each Nominative Resource within the Project.

    5. Project.Job Classification – The Project Manager can define a rate specific to each Job Classification within the Project.

Define the Global.Project Revenue Rate

  1. Follow the steps of the procedure defined above.

  2. In the Billing Advanced Attributes popup, select "Global.Project" in the Revenue Rate Source field pick-list.

  3. Enter a Revenue Rate in the Project Revenue Rate field.

Define the Project.Resource Revenue Rate

  1. Follow the steps of the procedure defined above.

  2. In the Billing Advanced Attributes popup, select "Project.Resource" in the Revenue Rate Source field pick-list.

  3. Click on the New (NewProject) button to add a row in the spreadsheet.

  4. In the Resource cell, click on the Browse (Hamburger) button to display the Resource list.

  5. Select the Resource whose billing Rate is to be defined.

  6. Enter a Rate for the newly added Resource in the last column of the spreadsheet.


You can also use the Initiate Resource List (importTemplate22_md.png) button to directly import all the Resources belonging to the Project Team.

Define the Project.Job Classification Revenue Rate

  1. Follow the steps of the procedure defined above.

  2. In the Billing Advanced Attributes popup, select "Project.Job Classification" in the Revenue Rate Source field pick-list.

  3. Click on the New (NewProject) button to add a row in the spreadsheet.

  4. In the Job Classification cell, click on the Browse (Hamburger) button to display the Job Classification list.

  5. Select the Job Classification whose billing Rate is to be defined.

  6. Enter a Rate for the newly added Job Classification in the last column of the spreadsheet.


You can also use the Initiate Job Classification List (importTemplate22_md.png) button to directly import all the system Job Classifications.