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Task Details dialog box

In the top left corner of the Task Details dialog box, users will find the following identification fields: Name, ID, #, Start, and Finish.

In addition, the top right corner of the dialog box provides access to the following tools:



Allows the user to mark the Task as Flagged.



Opens the Task Comments popup, allowing the user to create new Task Comments. The button will be entirely grey if there is at least one comment already posted.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • History – Provides access to the Workflow Information dialog box. This option is only available for tasks which have a Workflow attached to it (i.e., Phases, Gates, and Work Packages.

  • Add Task to Watch list – Allows the user to review the task by using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

  • Remove Task from Watch list – The Task will no longer be displayed when using the Watch List built-in filter (Filters dialog box).

  • Disable Timesheet Add Assignment – Upon using this command, users will no longer be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

  • Allow Timesheet Add Assignment – This command is only available if the Disable Timesheet Add Assignment command has previously been used on the selected task. Upon clicking on it, users will be able to assign themselves to the task when using the Add Assignment command in the Timesheet workspace.

  • Create Iteration From Task – Allows the user to create a new Agile Iteration which will be linked to the corresponding task.

  • Convert to Work Package – Displays the Convert to Work Packages popup, allowing the user to enter a Name and a Work Package ID for the new Work Package.

  • Create Dependency – Displays the Create a New Dependency popup, allowing the user to select the Mapping Type and the relationship for the new Dependency to create.

  • Tag Task – Displays the tags popup, allowing the user to create project tags and add some of them to the currently selected task.

  • Turn Gate into Task – Allows the user to turn a gate back into a regular task.

  • Turn Phase into Task – Allows the user to turn a phase back into a regular task.

Definition folder

In the top of the Definition folder, the user can find the identification fields: Name, ID, #, Start, and Finish.

If the task has been defined as a Work Package, the following Work Package attributes will also be displayed: Work Package ID, Permissions, Workflow, and Manager 1, 2, and 3.

The following scheduling fields are available: Start No Earlier Than, Start Delay, Duration, Schedule Type, Must Start On, Required Date, Calendar, Cost Center, and Owning Organization.

The following tracking fields are available: Actual Start, Actual Finish, Completed Date, % Completed, Completed Duration, Remaining Duration, Physical % Complete, and Closed.

Predecessors & Successors spreadsheets

The Predecessors and successors spreadsheets enable users to establish Task dependencies (i.e., links).

The following commands are available:



Opens a Task list so that the user can select the predecessor/successor of the currently selected task.



Allows the user to delete the selected predecessor/successor. This command is only available if at least one link is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).

The user can also create a link by directly entering the number of the task to be linked and clicking on the Add button.

Upon doing so, the following error messages can be displayed:

  • Link Already Exists.

  • Cannot link the Task with itself.

  • Cannot create a circular link.

  • Task # was not found.


By default, the created link is a Finish-Start. The user can edit the Logic and the Lead/Lag fields directly in the spreadsheet if need be.

Billing folder

The Billing folder displays the following Billing fields: Billable, Billable Amount, Billing Date, Confirmed, Project Billing Mode (read-only), Billing Status, Purchase Order, Billable Total Effort (read-only), and Non Billable Total Effort (read-only).

CCPM folder

The CCPM folder is only available if the selected project’s Schedule Method is set to “Critical Chain”.

Users will be able to enter the following information: Duration, Safe Duration, Schedule Type, Buffer Incursion, Alert Date, Pin Date, and Buffer Lock, and Buffer Calculation Method.

Labor Assignments folder

The Labor Assignments spreadsheet enables users to assign resources and enter information regarding Resources Scheduling and Resources Tracking.

Users will be able to view and edit the following information: Resource Name, Organization, Job Classification, Skills, Distribution Type, Rate, Actual Effort, Remaining Effort, and Total Cost (read-only).

The following tools are available:



Adds a new row to the spreadsheet, allowing the user to create a new labor assignment.



Allows the user to delete the selected assignment(s). This command is only available if at least one assignment is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the corresponding Labor Assignment dialog box.

Cost Items folder

The Cost Item Assignments spreadsheet enables users to enter information regarding Cost item scheduling and Cost item tracking.

Users will be able to view and edit the following information: Cost Item Name, Distribution Type, Rate, Actual Units, Remaining Units, Baseline Units, Fixed Cost, Actual Cost, Remaining Cost, and Baseline Cost.

The following tools are available:



Adds a new row to the spreadsheet, allowing the user to create a new cost item assignment.



Allows the user to delete the selected assignment(s). This command is only available if at least one assignment is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Opens the corresponding Cost Item Assignment dialog box.

Transactions folder

Defining transactions consists of estimating and scheduling the funds required for a project and the revenues it could generate. This is different from planning the usage of resources. Assignments represent resource usage while transactions represent the real cost of those resources and the revenues that they could generate.

The fields that are displayed in the spreadsheet are the following: Name, Status, Type, Transaction Nature, Date Formula, Date, Amount, and ID.


Transactions types are created by the Administrator in the Designer.

In the spreadsheet toolbar, the following tools are available:



Allows the user to either create a Cost (time-distributed or not) or a Saving Transaction.



Deletes the selected transaction(s). This command is only available if at least one transaction is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Insert Recurring Transaction

When a cost or saving occurs in multiple occurrences, instead of manually creating each occurrence, it is possible to use the Insert Recurring Transactions command and dialog box to create multiple transactions at the same time. Upon clicking on the Insert Recurring Transaction icon, the Insert Recurring Transaction dialog box is displayed.



Opens the corresponding Transaction dialog box.

Work Objects folder

The Work Objects folder provides all the Work Objects whose “Related Task” is the currently selected task in the form of cards.

Each Work Object is displayed in the form of a card with the following information: Work Object category (Risk, Action, Deliverable, Change Request, or Issue), Workflow State, Key, Type (if any), Name, Assignee, and Estimated Date.


For more information regarding the various Work Object attributes, please refer to the Work Item and Risk dialog boxes articles.

An alert will be displayed (Planned_Beyond_Due_Date.png) if the Work Item is planned beyond its Due Date.

The Overview & Jump To right panel is identical to the Gantt view side panel’s Work Objects tab.

Steps folder

The Steps folder displays a set of Task Step fields that can be used for more detailed task tracking by breaking down each task into a series of steps. In addition to the Task Step Name field, it also displays a pair of checklists, Started and Finished, which are used to indicate whether each task step was started or finished.

The Started and Finished fields are not related to the Actual Start and Actual Finish of the task. Checkboxes have to be ticked independently.

In the spreadsheet toolbar, the following commands are available:



Adds a new row to the spreadsheet, allowing the user to create a new step.



Deletes the selected step(s). This command is only available if at least one step is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).