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Print Selection popup

Upon clicking on the Status Report History full screen view Print command, the Print Selection popup is displayed.

The process for printing Status Reports is the following:

  1. Status Report Selection – The Print Selection popup allows the user to select which Status Reports are to be printed.

  2. Section Selection – Still in the Print Selection popup, the bottom section buttons allow the user to select whether they want to print all the sections or only specific sections of the selected Status Reports.

All Sections

Opens the Status Report versions in their entirety in a new browser tab, in a printer-friendly format.

Specific Sections

Opens the Section Selection popup, which allows the user to select the sections of the Status Report to be included in the printable version. Here the user may choose from among the following options:

  • Header Section – Project Name, Manager 1, and Indicators

  • Summary Section – Includes essential project information (i.e., Identification, Calendar and Workload Estimates, Organization, and Description).

  • Descriptions Section – Includes the Descriptions. Upon activating it, the user can select which specific descriptions should be displayed.

  • Other Sections – All the other sections of the Status Report (depending on the selected settings and preferences), except for descriptions.

Upon clicking on the Done button of the Section Selection popup, the Status Reports are opened in a new browser tab, in a printer-friendly format.