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Filters popup

Various filtering options are available across the Risks views, allowing the user to easily drill down to the desired information.

Alert Filters

  • Related to Critical Tasks – Allows the user to only display open Risks whose “Related Task” is on the Critical Path.

  • Planned Beyond Due Date – Allows the user to only display open Risks whose Estimated Date falls after the Due Date.

  • Overdue – Allows the user to only display open Risks whose Due Date falls before Today’s date.

  • Estimated in the Past – Allows the user to only display open Risks whose Estimated Date falls before Today’s date.

Quick Filters

  • To Do – Allows the user to only display open Risks for which the logged-in user is either the Owner or whose Owner field is empty.

  • Due Soon – Allows the user to only display open Risks whose Committed Date falls between Today’s date and Today’s date + Alert Granularity value.

  • New Notes – Allows the user to only display the Risks with at least one Note that has not been opened by the logged-in user.

  • Flagged – Allows the user to only display Risks that have been Flagged (FlagBlue).

  • Recently Updated – Allows the user to only display Risks that have been updated between Today’s date and Today’s date + Alert Granularity value. The following events are considered as updates: Workflow State update, Risk creation, moved Risk, and new Note.

Other Criteria

  • Owner – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Owner has been selected.

  • Initiator – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Initiator has been selected.

  • Type – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Type has been selected.

  • Probability – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose current Probability value has been selected.

  • Severity – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose current Severity value has been selected.

  • Risk Level – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Level has been selected.

  • Workflow State – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Workflow State has been selected.

  • Created Date From – Allows the user to only display the Risks that have been created on the same date or after the entered value.

  • Due Date Before – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Due Date falls before or on the same date as the entered value.

  • Estimated Date Before – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Estimated Date falls before or on the same date as the entered value.

  • Task – Allows the user to only display the Risks whose Task has been selected (i.e., the Task that has been entered in the “Related Task” field).

Work Package

If at least one Work Package has been created for the selected project, then the Display Work Package Risks switch button will become available, allowing the user to include in the view the Risks that have been created at the Work Package level.