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Budget tab

The Budget tab allows the user to define the Portfolio’s Budget and to also manage the Portfolio’s project budget. The Budget is expressed in terms of Cost Centers, whose budget can be defined in terms of Cost and/or Effort, depending on the options set by the Administrator. Therefore, the views might differ depending on the type of Cost Centers displayed.

The Budget tab provides the following modes:


Portfolio Budget

Allows the user to manage the Portfolio Cost Center budget.


Project Budget

Allows the user to manage the Cost Centers of the projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder.

Portfolio Budget mode

The Portfolio Budget mode (viewmode_activesimulationdetails22_md.png) allows Portfolio Managers and PMOs to define the Budget at the Portfolio level. The Cost Centers defined in this view will then be available to the projects belonging to the Portfolio Center selected.

Display Options

The Portfolio Budget mode provides the following filtering and display options:

Cost Centers

Allows the user to only display the selected Cost Center(s) in the view.


Allows the user to only display the Cost Center(s) whose Type has been selected.

Project Data

Allows the user to display either the projects Budget (default) or Cost (and/or Effort) in the Portfolio Budget mode.


Effort Display

Allows the user to display the Effort values as entered by the user (“As Defined”) or as Monetized Amount (“As Costs”).


This option is only available when in Mixed Budget Type (i.e., using both Cost and Effort Cost Centers).


Show Inactive

Allows the user to display or hide Cost Centers whose Status is “Inactive”.



Allows the user to display the Charts section.

Budget Simulation

When the Budget Simulation feature is activated, the user can access the Budget Simulation full screen view by clicking on the Simulation Sandbox button.

This button can be displayed differently depending on the situation:

  • White background – Indicates that there is no open scenario.

  • Blue background – Indicates that there is at least one open scenario.

Portfolio Budget spreadsheet

The Portfolio Budget spreadsheet sorts the Cost Centers by Type (if there are both Cost and Effort Cost Centers). Each Cost Center is shown with its Total Budget and the time-distributed budget (depending on the time period and intervals selected in the Time Navigation toolbar).

The Total Portfolio Budget is provided at the bottom of the spreadsheet, providing the sum of the Cost Budget and the Effort Budget (computed as a Monetized Amount) for each time interval displayed.

If the user selects an option in the “Project Data” picklist, then below each Cost Center, the corresponding projects time-distributed Budget or Total Cost will be displayed as well.

In that case, colored indicators are provided to highlight the shift between the Portfolio Cost Centers Budget values and the projects Total Cost/Effort or Budget.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Cost Preferences.

The following tools are provided to manage the budget:



Allows users to add one or several Cost Centers to the spreadsheet. They will then be able to enter an amount for each time interval.


Only Cost Centers which have an “Active” status will be displayed in the list.



Allows users to delete the selected cost center(s). This command is only available if at least one cost center is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).



Allows users to open the Cost Center Brief dialog box.


Scroll Into View

Scrolls into view the first time period where the Budget value is other than null.


Shift Data

Allows the user to postpone (or bring forward) the selected time-distributed values. This command is only available if at least one cost center is selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked).


Apply Pending

Updates the spreadsheet with the applied Budget Simulation. For more information, please refer to the Apply Budget Scenario command article.

In addition, the Update Cost Centers from Projects (update_budget_v2_22_md.png) command will also be available. If some Cost Centers have already been defined for projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder (in the Finance workspace), this command will allow the user to import those Cost Centers and their corresponding values to the spreadsheet.

Upon clicking on the command, the user will be prompted to choose the time period to be taken into account for importing projects Cost Center values:

All Period

Imports the project’s Cost Center data from the earliest value to the latest.

From Today

Imports the project’s Cost Center data from Today’s date to the last entered value.


Allows the user to select the start and finish dates of the time period to be taken into account.


Some existing values can be overwritten during this process.

Charts section

Upon activating the Charts (Charts) display option, the Cost Budget and/or the Effort Budget charts will be displayed.

The charts display will differ depending on the “Project Data” display option:

  • Budget (default) – Compares the Portfolio Budget and the project Budget per Cost Center.

  • Total Cost/Effort – Compares the Portfolio Budget and the project Cost/Effort per Cost Center.

In both cases, the project values will be broken down by Nature.

Project Budget mode

The Project Budget mode (viewmode_activescenarios22_md.png) provides all the tools for Portfolio Managers to manage the budget of the projects belonging to his/her Portfolio Folder.


This view lists all the Working projects belonging to the selected Portfolio Folder.

Display Options

The Project Budget mode provides the following display options:


Effort Display

Allows the user to display the Effort values as entered by the user (“As Defined”) or as Monetized Amount (“As Costs”).


This option is only available when in Mixed Budget Type (i.e., using both Cost and Effort Cost Centers).


Cost Centers

Allows the user to display the Portfolio Cost Center breakdown.


Show Inactive

Allows the user to display or hide Cost Centers whose Status is “Inactive”.

When the Cost Centers display option is OFF

When the Cost Centers (CostGrey) display option is inactive, the Project Budget spreadsheet lists the selected Portfolio Folder’s projects, sorted by Nature.

The following information is displayed for each project: Name, Manager 1, Budget, Total Cost, Forecast (if any), and Last Snapshot.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the shift between the Budget, Total Cost, and Forecast Cost (if enabled) along with the corresponding values from the Last Snapshot.

The user can access the legend for the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Cost Preferences.

In addition, the following tools are provided:

Snapshot switch button

When turned off, the ability to create snapshots will be disabled from the Finance workspace for the corresponding project.

Budget Editing switch button

When turned off, the ability to edit Cost Centers will be disabled from the Finance workspace for the corresponding project.



Indicates whether or not there is a new note and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following options:

  • Manage Snapshots – Opens the Snapshot History dialog box.

  • Open Object Brief – Opens the corresponding Project Brief dialog box.

  • Edit Object – Opens the corresponding project Focus Mode full screen view.

  • Publish the Object – Allows the user to Publish the corresponding project.

When the Cost Centers display option is ON

When the Cost Centers (CostGrey) display option is active, the spreadsheet offers a time-distributed view of the Portfolio Cost Centers so that the user can review how they are being used by the projects.

For each Portfolio Cost Center, the projects that have been assigned the same cost center and their corresponding budget are displayed.

The user will be able to compare the Portfolio Budget by Cost Centers using either the Project Total Cost/ Effort (read-only) or Budget (editable).


Cost or Effort (according to the Budget Type setting) values can be displayed instead of the Budget values depending on the option selected in the “Project Data” pick-list.

Colored indicators are provided to highlight the shift between the Portfolio Budget and the Project values.

The user can access the legend of the colored indicators by clicking on the Legend (Legend) button located in the bottom right corner of the view.


Colored Indicators are defined by the Administrator in the System Settings workspace, General Settings folder, Colored Indicators tab, Cost Preferences.

Upon clicking on the Scroll into View (scrollintoview_monochrome22_md.png) button, the spreadsheet displays the time period containing the first date with a non-null value.