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Tasks assignments sub-tab

The Tasks assignments sub-tab available in the Project Card, Resources tab, provides a spreadsheet displaying for each Task for the selected project the soft and hard Resource assignments, as well as the Cost Item assignments.

Display Options

To facilitate the reading of the Tasks spreadsheet, several sorting and filtering fields are provided.

Upon accessing the Filters popup, the following filtering fields are available:


Opens a list of Organizations, from which the user can select one or several organizations. Once an organization is selected, the following fields are also available:

  • Organization Scope – Allows the user to define whether to take into account assignments organizations, resources organizations, or both.

  • Include Descendant Organizations – Allows the user to define whether the Children of the selected Organization(s) should be taken into account or not.

Job Classifications

Opens a list of Job Classifications, from which the user can make one or several selections. Upon making the selection(s), only the corresponding assignments will be displayed in the spreadsheet. With the Include Descendant Job Classifications switch button, the user can then define whether the Children of the selected Job Classification(s) should be taken into account or not.

Task with Assignments Only

Filters the spreadsheet so that only tasks with at least one resource assignment are displayed.

Contract Type

Allows the user to only display Resources whose Contract Type is "External" or "Internal".

In addition, the main toolbar provides the following tools:

Show Distribution

Allows the user to display or not time-distributed data. When activated, the Time Navigation toolbar is also displayed.

Show Labor Assignments

Allows the user to choose whether to display all assignments, only hard assignments, or only soft assignments.



Allows the user to look for a specific Task.

Tasks spreadsheet

Below each Task, the corresponding Soft Assignments, Hard Assignments, and Cost Item Assignments are displayed.


For each assignment, the following information is displayed when necessary: Name, Organization, Actual Effort, Remaining Effort, as well as the Total Effort, which can be displayed as follows:

  • When the Show Distribution switch button is deactivated, the spreadsheet shows the assignment’s Total Effort.

  • When the Show Distribution switch button is activated, the spreadsheet shows the time distributed Total Effort according to the selected time frame and intervals in the Time Navigation toolbar.


For Cost Items assignments, the Actual Units and the Remaining Units are displayed instead.


Upon clicking on the white Add (add22_md.png) button available at the project level, the user can create a task. In the prompted popup, he/she will have the following options for the task creation:

  • As a child of a selected Task – Prompts the user to select a parent task for the Task to be created.

  • After the last WBS Task – Inserts the Task at the end of the project, at the same level as the last task displayed.

In addition, clicking on the project's name, the corresponding Project Brief dialog box is displayed.

At the Task level, clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon provides the following commands:

Edit Task

Opens the Task Details dialog box.

Add Hard Assignment

Opens the Assign Resources dialog box, allowing the user to assign new Nominative Resources to the Task.

Add Soft Assignment

Opens the Soft Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to either assign a Generic Resource to the Task, or to create a Soft Assignment from scratch.

Add Cost Item Assignment

Opens the Assign Cost Items dialog box, allowing the user to assign new Cost Items to the Task.

The Add (add22_md.png) button available on the Hard Assignments, Soft Assignments, and Cost Assignments rows allows the user to create a new assignment for the corresponding assignment category.

At the Nominative Resource assignment level, clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon provides the following commands:

Resource Brief

Opens the Resource Brief dialog box.

Team Member Details

Opens the Team Member Details dialog box.

Scroll into View

Modifies the time period so that the first date when the Effort > 0 for the assignment is displayed. This option is only available when the Show Distribution switch button is activated.

Edit Assignment

Opens the Labor Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to modify the assignment attributes.

Replace Resource

Opens the Replace Resource dialog box, where the user can choose a new cost item to assign instead of the current one.

Delete Assignment

Deletes the corresponding Hard Assignment.

At the Soft Assignment level, clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon provides the following commands:

Scroll into View

Modifies the time period so that the first date when the Effort > 0 for the assignment is displayed. This option is only available when the Show Distribution switch button is activated.

Edit Assignment

Opens the Labor Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to modify the assignment attributes.

Fulfill Assignment

Opens the Fulfill Soft Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to choose the nominative resource(s) to assign.

Delete Assignment

Deletes the corresponding Soft Assignment.

Convert into Request

Opens the Create Allocation Request dialog box, which allows the user to request a Resource for the Soft Assignment.

At the Cost Item assignment level, clicking on the More (MoreVertical) icon provides the following commands:

Scroll into View

Modifies the time period so that the first date when the Units > 0 for the assignment is displayed. This option is only available when the Show Distribution switch button is activated.

Edit Assignment

Opens the Cost Item Assignment dialog box, allowing the user to modify the assignment attributes.

Replace Cost Item

Opens the Replace Cost Item dialog box, where the user can choose a new cost item to assign instead of the current one.

Delete Assignment

Deletes the corresponding Cost Item Assignment.

In addition, the user can define whether an assignment should be uniform or non-uniform:

Non Uniform

Non Uniform

Indicates that non-uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on it, the assignment only allows uniform assignment.



Indicates that only uniform assignment is allowed. Upon clicking on it, the assignment allows non-uniform assignment.