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Filters popup

Upon clicking on the Filters (FilterGrey) button located in the toolbar, the Filters popup is displayed.

When available, the Filters popup can provide the following filtering options for the Backlog Items:

Team Members

Allows the user to only display Backlog Items whose Assignee is the selected Team Member.


Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that have been assigned to the selected Iteration(s).


Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that have been associated with the selected Release(s).


Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items that have been associated with the selected Epic(s).

Story Points ≥

Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Story Points are above or equal to the entered value.

Story Points ≤

Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Story Points are below or equal to the entered value.

Business Value ≥

Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Business Value is above or equal to the entered value.

Business Value ≤

Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Business Value is below or equal to the entered value.


Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Priority has been selected (i.e., “Low”, “Medium”, or “High”).


Allows the user to only display the Backlog Items whose Type has been selected.

Workflow States

Allows the user to only display Backlog Items with the selected Workflow State.

Story Backlog Items

Allows the user to only display Backlog Items whose Type is “Story”, along with their connected “Task” Backlog Items.