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Idea Card

The Idea Card aims at providing the user with detailed information regarding an Idea.

The main section displays the Name and the Priority Level fields to edit.

The Idea Card provides a series of additional sections which behave as follows:

  • Descriptions, Scoring, and Objectives can be hidden or shown by clicking on the corresponding labels on the section title's line

  • Objectives, Attachments, and Connections that can be activated or deactivated from the Sections panel located in the right-hand side.


To remove a section listed on the right-hand side, the user has to delete all the existing objects it contains first (if any).


The upper section of the Idea Card provides the Idea Folder and Name, as well as the following tools:


Workflow State Vote

Indicates the Idea's current Workflow State Vote, which can be modified upon clicking on it. The Workflow State Vote can be: New, Duplicate, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, New Project, or Connected.


When the Idea Workflow State Vote is New, users are only able to change it to Duplicate or Submitted.



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Review Workflow Information – Opens the Workflow Information dialog box dialog box, wherein the workflow chart and history can be accessed.

  • Evaluation Snapshot – Opens the Evaluation Trend dialog box, which allows the user to take snapshots to keep track of the Descriptions and the Score evolution.

  • Move to – Opens the Idea Folders popup, which allows the user to select the Folder the Idea is to be moved to.

  • Delete – Allows the user to delete the Idea.

In addition, the following attributes are displayed:


Indicates the user who created the Idea.


Indicates the Type of the Idea. The following actions are possible:

  • Clicking on the Attach (EditColor) button (or on the defined Type's Name) prompts the Global Idea Types popup, allowing the user to select a Type for the Idea.

  • Clicking on the Remove (cancel.png) button empties the Type field.


Idea Types are defined by the Administrator in the System Data workspace, Ideas tab, Idea Types sub-tab.

Created Date

Indicates the date the Idea was created on.

Total Score

Indicates the Idea Score as follows:

  • Evaluation Score, calculated depending on the values entered the Scoring section.

  • Total Score (Evaluation Score + Strategic Alignment Score) when the Strategy Feature, Strategy Alignment is enabled at the Idea level.


Strategy options are managed in the Strategy workspace, Strategy Definition dialog box.

Descriptions section

The user has the opportunity to describe precisely what the Idea is about. The various Descriptions text-blocks available are directly defined by the Administrator and may change radically depending on the type of Idea and the folder the Idea is in.


The Descriptions text-blocks available come with the selected Folder and its corresponding Default Scoring Template. The Administrator can define the Idea descriptions in the System Data workspace, Evaluation tab, Scoring Descriptions sub-tab.

Scoring section

In order to determine whether an Idea is worthwhile or not, it is crucial for the Idea Folder Manager to first evaluate the Idea.

The Scoring section allows the user to enter values regarding various indicators, which will then be computed in order to come up with the Idea Score.


The Scoring indicators available come with the selected Folder and its corresponding Default Scoring Template. The Administrator can define the Idea descriptions in the System Data workspace, Evaluation tab, Scoring Indicators sub-tab.

Each section of the Scoring section provides a spreadsheet. For each displayed indicator, the user can indicate a value. The value is then computed into points, and those points are taken into account in determining the Evaluation Score of the Idea.


Some cells in the spreadsheet can have an additional display:


Amber cell

Indicates that no value has been entered yet for the given Indicator.


Question mark icon

The Administrator has left a comment or a description regarding this indicator. Upon clicking on the icon, a popup displays the corresponding information.


Inactive Comment button

Indicates that no comment has been entered yet for the given indicator.

Upon clicking on it, the Comments popup is displayed.


Active Comment button

Indicates that at least one comment has been entered for the given indicator.

Upon clicking on it, the Comments popup is displayed.

In the Comments popup, each comment displays the following information: Picture or Initials of the user who posted the comment, name of the creator, Date of the comment, and the comment itself.

In addition, the following tools are provided in the Comments popup:



Opens the New Comment popup, which provides a Rich-text field wherein the user is able to add a comment.



Provides access to the following commands:

  • Edit & Delete (if the comment has been submitted by the logged-in user) – Allow the user to manage the corresponding comment.

  • View (if the comment has not been submitted by the logged-in user) – Allows the user to review the comment.

Objectives section

The Idea Objectives section provides a list of Objectives to which the Idea contributes.


The Objectives section is only available if:

  • The Strategy Management feature is enabled in the system, and

  • The Strategy Alignment is enabled and the "Idea Management" option is set to "Manual" in the Strategy Definition dialog box.

Each Objective is represented in the form of a card which provides the following information:

Objective Information section


Indicates the name of the Objective.

Upon clicking on it, the Objective Brief dialog box is displayed.


Indicates the Objective Workflow State.


Indicates the name of the Objective to which the current Objective is hierarchically attached.


Indicates the Name of the KPI.

Manager 1

Indicates the person in charge of the Objective.

Alignment tile


When the Strategy Alignment is enabled and the “Idea Management” option is set to “Manual”, the Alignment tile displays the following information:

  • Alignment Level – Indicates how much the Idea is aligned with the Objective.

  • Alignment Score – Represents a combination of the Alignment level and the Corporate Objective’s Final Weight.

  • Edit – Opens the Edit Alignement Value popup.

The following tools are available:

Attach Objective

Provides access to the following commands:

  • Add an Objective – Prompts the user to select one Objective to which the Idea contributes. Once the Objective is selected, the Attach to Objective popup allows the user to enter the Alignment level.

  • Add multiple Objectives – Prompts the user to select several Objectives to which the Idea contributes.



Provides access to the "Remove Attachment" command, which allows the user to delete the Idea Objective.

Attachments section

The Attachments section allows users to add links to various documents and/or to information regarding the Idea.


The following commands are available:



Adds a new row in the spreadsheet for the user to fill in.



Deletes the selected attachment(s). At least one attachment must be selected (i.e., the corresponding checkbox is ticked) for this command to be displayed.

Connections section

The Connections section shows all the items an Idea has been connected to. These connections can be created either by using specific commands or by following the Idea Workflow.


The connections can be one of the following:

Parent Idea

The current Idea has been defined as a Duplicate of the Parent Idea.

Idea Related

The Related Idea has been defined as a Duplicate of the current Idea.


The current Idea has been attached to a project whose Nature is “Business Case”, “Project”, “Product”, or “Program”. The Nature is specified directly in the Relation chip.

The Connections spreadsheet toolbar provides the following commands:


Create a new Project

Allows the user to create a new Business Case, Project, Program, or Product to which the current Idea is then automatically connected.


Connect to Existing

Allows the user to connect the current idea to an existing Business Case, Project, Program, or Product.



Deletes the selected connection(s). At least one project connection must be selected for this command to be displayed.


In order to connect an idea to an existing project, the user needs to have at least Read Permissions on the object.

Additionally, the spreadsheet provides the following tools for each connection:



Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



Provides detailed information regarding the object:

  • Opens the Idea Card, if the connected object is an Idea.

  • Opens the Project Brief dialog box, if the connected object is a project.



Switches the view to the detailed information page for the corresponding object:

  • The Idea Card view in the Ideas Center workspace for Ideas

  • Home Page workspace for projects


Modifying the Workflow State Vote of an Idea to “New Project” or “Connected” will also result in new connections, which will appear in the Idea's Connections.


When creating a new item while approving an Idea, the Idea Scoring and Descriptions will be copied (except if a Business Case does not use the same Default Scoring Template as the Idea).