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[en] Project Card

[en] The Project Card is designed to streamline project management; it gives details about one unique project and makes the modules and workspaces navigation simpler.

[en] It constitutes a central point for project management activities, providing project managers with easy access to project information, tools, and actions necessary for a successful project execution.

[en] The Project Card is accessible directly from the [en] Projects Center workspace, by clicking on the Open button available on the right-hand side of the Project Name in the Projects Grid.

[en] The card is made up of:

  • [en] A main toolbar, which contains buttons and commands for high-level project actions,

  • [en] A series of tabs, which enable users to navigate through different aspects of the project, and

  • [en] A series of sub-tabs, which further categorize and organize information and tools.

[en] Project Card Main toolbar

[en] The Project Card Main toolbar is located on the top of the view and contains buttons and commands for high-level project actions.


[en] The display of the main toolbar differs depending on the Project version selected (Working or Published) and whether the project is locked or unlocked.

[en] Here is the list of the buttons and commands users can encounter in the Project Card Main toolbar:


[en]Back to Projects Center

[en] Allows the user to navigate back to the [en] Projects Center workspace.


[en]Project Selector

[en] Allows the user to select another project.


[en]Workflow State Vote

[en] Allows the user to modify the Workflow State Vote associated with the project.


[en] If a Published version is selected, the Workflow State Vote is displayed as read-only.



[en] Locks the project so that other users cannot modify it. Upon locking a project, the Undo and Redo commands become available.


[en] This command is only available if the project is not yet locked by any user.



[en] Unlocks a previously locked project.


[en] This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.



[en] Erases the previous change done, reverting the project to its previous state.


[en] This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.



[en] Reverses the action of the Undo command.


[en] This command is only available if the project has been locked by the logged-in user.



[en] Publishes any changes to the current project, but only if the current project is the active Working version.


[en] If a Published version is selected, the PublishedVersionButton.png button is displayed instead of the PublishButton.png button.



[en] Indicates whether or not there are new notes, and opens the Notes dialog box.



[en] Provides access to the following commands:

  • [en]Save As – Opens the Project Save As popup, allowing the user to save a project in different versions, including Working, Objective, and Template.

  • [en]Review Workflow Information – Displays the Workflow Information dialog box.

  • [en]Deactivate selected version – Sets the project's Status to "Inactive". Only "Inactive" projects can be purged from the database.

  • [en]Deactivate all versions – Sets all project's version Status to "Inactive".

  • [en]Activate – Reverts the Deactivate command.